July 29, 2021

Growing up, I mostly used sleeping bags (and I still prefer a straight blanket or comforter to topsheets that always seem to be getting lost) I was once filled with delight by receiving the Pac-Man sleeping bag shown here (and on the Two Decades of Sleeping Bag Evolution page)

Out of the package it smelled really weird, but it got better, and I just loved it in general.
If you don't believe me, try making a map of your office. See what you remember. Where do people go when they are rewarded, punished? Where is power concentrated, and where do you sit? What paths do people take to accomplish their goals? Are some emotions possible in one space and not another? (Take a picture and send it to me. I want to see.)

Now make a map of your "digital office." It will be a bunch of squares and a screenshot of a web browser.
Boy, ain't this the truth? There is such a there-ness to offices. My current team assembled online, has barely met in person. But I still can detect sense-memories about my previous employer's space...
Football players will risk life long injury, brain and otherwise, but are too scared by the "uncertainty" of vax jabs. Ok.