This is, it seems to me, a general principle: you get bored with something not when you have exhausted its repertoire of behavior, but when you have mapped out the limits of the space that contains is behavior.Ties in with an idea I come to in thinking about my sense of a "what's it all about" higher purpose for humanity; for me I put it as "the creation of categorical novelty", or in this context new behavior spaces.
I am back to thinking that almost all cognition is rooted in interaction and powered by metaphor. Slippery verbs all the way down, nouns are just clumps of possible interactions with other nouns.
Most of my way through my reread of this hugely important to me book, I am struck by how quotable it isn't. It seems resistant to having good summary bon mots harvested from it, like maybe what it's trying to get across is more holistic in that sense, more dependent on a web of supporting ideas than many other works that yield a nice quote that appeals to what the reader already knows.
just ate a Trader Joe's cheeseburger burrito - (yea, for breakfast. don't judge) super good.
my friend miller mini-quiches and my favorite is the cheeseburger variety.
trying to pin down the flavor that i'm responding to. like i think with "cheeseburger flavor" - the meat and cheese are mostly the texture, but there's something in the sweet and salty - but not the kind of fruity, sugary sweet that i hate when juxtaposed with savory. Maybe it's the relish? I think Thousand Island dressing has a similar vibe.
Maybe I need to explore relish, but maybe not the sweet kind? like pickles come dill and sweet, why does it see like relish comes only sweet? is that what goes into "cheeseburger flavor"?

Water is technically what a rainbow tastes like.
The worst part of SNL recurring guest hosts is that so-predictable "5 Timers Club" horeshit.
Also. Weird how often dogs are on these days, it's like the show is just lightly being programmed by an algorithm...
Had that dream again where I'm a pterodactyl but can't fly too good and all the other pterodactyls call me a "terribledactyl" and dinosaur laugh at me.