Lincoln, West Dakota, Deseret, Cimarron, and Montezuma--all of which sought admission to the union--did not become states.Potential alternate States of the USA are so rich for alternate world thinking... (Also mentioned Sequoyah, a state based on the communities of Native Americans...)
Guano was noxious, "a beastly smelling-bottle sort of mess, looking like bad snuff mixed with rotten kittens," as a Vermont paper put it.
[Philippines Governor] Governor-General Forbes found time for other pursuits. "I get up leisurely when I feel like it, write in my journal sparingly so as not to run into the error of being too voluminous, and play a few hands of cards to iron the crinkles out of my mind." In the afternoons, Forbes would spend "an hour or so" reading newspaper clippings, but he would stop at four to "take a ride, or play polo, according to the day." "I have let the great world sweep by," he purred.The crinkles thing reminds me of how I like a first thing game of Wordle
The United States military is first and foremost an unfathomable network of typists and file clerks, secondarily a stupendous mechanism for moving stuff from one part of the world to another and last and least a fighting organization.
O God! that whole damned war business is about nine hundred and ninety parts diarrhoea to one part glory: the people who like the wars should be compelled to fight the wars . . . I say, God damn the wars--all wars
Suddenly these pesky foreigners rose up before us in their own lands, doggedly refusing to understand our tongue, no matter how slowly and loudly we spoke it. It was little short of outrageous.
Ewww - companies that scrape funeral home obituary listings and make their own obituaries, so they can sell some of the flowers and other auxiliary. But adding injury to insult, they have bad, dumb bots that rewrite the things so they don't violate copyright laws.

(Note to self, this liberty bell with legs poster was "Sweet Liberty" not "1776")