August 25, 2023

Trump's Mug Shot.

He's trying to look like that one shot of Churchill right after the photographer snatched his cigar. But definitely trying to get that "I will get revenge" vibe on.
Melissa recommends Kimberly Quinlan's podcast on 14 Things You Should Say to a Loved One with Anxiety
  1. I am here for you.
  2. How can I support you?
  3. You are not bad for experiencing this.
  4. Things will get better... this will not last forever.
  5. You have gotten through this before.
  6. I am proud of how hard you are trying.
  7. Let's listen to stories of other people who have gotten through this.
  8. I will do the dishes tonight.
  9. You are allowed to take this time and this space.
  10. You do not need to solve everything right now. You can pace yourself through this.
  11. What's important to you right now?
  12. I believe you.
  13. You are stronger than you think and you have got this.
  14. I know you can resist these compulsions.
  15. Bonus: it's a beautiful day to do hard things.

I was who I was, I did what I did, It was fine