money marge!

It works! On the jobhunt for half a year, I reblogged this on tumblr on Tuesday evening 10PM. Wednesday 1:15PM I get a verbal job offer. Start the 22nd.
PS not 100% sure how serious I am about "it works", but when I stop and think about synchronicity in general, and the reality it may or may not represent... I remember late 2022 at friendsgivinvg pals did a tarot pull for me, and the 3 cards were weirdly screaming "financial transition", like eye brow raising unanimity within the general ambiguity Tarot always leaves for itself...
The 5 Most Common Regrets of the Dying--and What We Can Learn From Them
Cliff notes: (but you should read the article, it's pretty succinct)
* I Wish I'd Lived a Life True to Myself, Not the Life Others Expected of Me
* I Wish I Hadn't Worked so Hard
* I Wish I'd Had the Courage to Express My Feelings
* I Wish I Had Stayed in Touch With My Friends
* I Wish I Had Allowed Myself to Be Happier