sage advice from self help singh

As either Denzel Washington, Cicely Tyson or some other fucker (google isn't sure) once said, "a uHaul does not follow the hearse."
Self Help Singh, "Things to ponder while taking a shit: Lessons on unfucking your life"

Sometimes you have to reconcile the notion that your competency maxes out at a mere 3 out of 10.

What is important is not your score. What is important is that you understand that you still serve a purpose, even if that purpose is to make marginally average people look like fucking rocket scientists.
Self Help Singh, "Things to ponder while taking a shit: Lessons on unfucking your life"

A car window shatters more easily when it is fully closed.

A window that is slightly open to world, is able to absorb sudden impact without shattering or cracking under the pressure.

Make what you will of this metaphor.

There is no wrong conclusion here.

Except, of course that you should leave your car window open during a rain storm.
Self Help Singh, "Things to ponder while taking a shit: Lessons on unfucking your life"

Chasing after something or someone who has already demonstrated that they don't feel the same way, is like trying to sell oxygen to a person in a foreign language.

They are already getting the oxygen from somewhere or someone else, and they do not understand what you are talking about.
Self Help Singh, "Things to ponder while taking a shit: Lessons on unfucking your life"

"Fool me once, Fuck you! Fool me twice, Fuck me!"
Self Help Singh, "Things to ponder while taking a shit: Lessons on unfucking your life"

10 out of 10 betrayers are not strangers.