ode to puck

Happy 20th Birthday to my Scion xA, "Puck".
In some ways this car has been my most consistent and steadfast constant companion for these two decades. The AC is shot, a dozen other small things are going wrong, but still it drives well, parks like a dream, and holds a tuba.

And like with the tuba - I love when something works well but it well past the time when you're worried about (more) nicks and scratches

I have the goofiest little invocation I sometimes make as I walk to Puck - "funky little car funky little car gonna go real far in my funky little car".

I think it's hard to give up a car like this in part because WE don't want to be discarded when we're a bit old, and our AC doesn't work...

Anyway. There may come a day when I have to give you up, old friend, but today is not that day.
Bad photo but I feel like Keytar Bear at 8am is a good omen for the day. Maybe the month.

Didn't realize there was is a massive ransomware attack going on making and many car dealers are back to working with pen and paper... Cory Dotorow has a good essay on it
She liked Montgomery in the same way she liked the ring-tailed coati, the bez-muuch whose croak resembled the baying of the calf rather than the croaking of other frogs, or the cry of the owl, which Ramona thought unlucky. She liked Montgomery because he was part of her world and she loved everything in it. He was like that well-trodden path.
Silvia Moreno-Garcia, "The Daughter of Doctor Moreau"

She wished to be unafraid and for the world to be good. Neither thing seemed possible.