August 4, 2024

Saw some meme on the first US Olympic Basketball Dream Team and got to pondering "what happened to the idea of the Olympics as amateur athletics" - not that it wasn't problematic (see especially that bullshit about Jim Thorpe losing his Olympic medals in pentathlon and decathlon because he played some semi-pro B-ball) but how did it change?

On Wikipedia's page on Amateur Sports I learned that the goofiness of "Rich Corinthian Leather" wasn't cut from whole cloth so to speak, they borrowed the "Corinthian" from "involving or displaying the highest standards of sportsmanship" i.e. wealthy noblesse oblige folks. An adjective especially favored by yachting clubs.
They're changing the rhythm of the Alphabet Song? The fools - we should all just be singing it to the theme song of "I Dream of Jeannie"

The story of Tariq the Cheat is pretty amazing.

Open Photo Gallery

Why is it about procrastination?
Like a bunch of small tasks lined up and easy to knock down... you would think it would be an easy path for some "yay me" easy wins, but no, it's still a grind.

Is it the spectre of the dozens of things that there won't be time to get to? (Or the way another dozen will pop up over the next days?) Or just like the threat to the ego of things being slightly harder than it seems like they should be? Guilt about the stuff you should have done by now? Or just laziness?

How do you get traction?
Whenever I see the swimmers out there in their swim cap, glasses, and puffy coats, I always think of Ali G...