
I was thinking I needed some new pillows, but I think I'll pass on the "Nazi coded dog whistle" (14 and 88 are pretty damn well established pro-Nazi codes, and while I'm not saying Lindell himself is advocating Nazi, someone in his org definitely is, or at the very least having a laugh.)

When times are tough I sometimes find it weird that my online media comfort food is a combination of pleated-jeans, cracked, and lamebook. All 3 are a bit low rent in terms of ads (less so lamebook) but they do a decent job of curating some of the funniest stuff while remaining catch-up-able; unlike instagram and tik-tok that really lean into doomscrolling. (And frankly tumblr has gotten a bit time consuming to try and keep up with)
Anyway, this pleated-jeans What-Happens-When gallery was pretty cool.