October 14, 2024


Just watched Love Story. It's sweet (if very sad) even if some of the early romance feels unearned. Interesting glimpses of late 60s Cambridge. You know, stuff like "snow". (Also I always appreciate the chance to inject a Tom Lehrer "Fight Fiercely, Harvard!")

They had a line that that to rent four rooms for 8250 a month 9in Cambridge) is absolutely impossible. took me a second to realize they meant $82.50. (~$670 these days, which at least 2-4x what I'd say now, if not more.)

(IMDB'ing around I see Ali MacGraw also played a Radcliffe romantic interst in "Goodbye, Columbus". Though that's the city and not the lost spice mongering slaver dude.)

It's funny how much I resent "rate this movie" features on streaming services and IMDB. And for my own records, I have no trouble ranking stuff 1-5 stars (heavy on the 3s and 4s; 2s are some what disapointing, rare 1s I despise, 5s are like all time greats for me - and it's curved by my expectations for it) but being called to being part of a big consensus judgement goes against my sense of the world.
Today I watched Love Story and Goodbye, Columbus. Neither were super fantastic but I feel empowered.