cold times

interesting article on the likely future marketing landscape for LLMs. Cal Peterson argues it's more like airlines - severe supplier seller's market (NVIDIA), low barrier of entry for new competitors, weak brand loyalty - than it is like Coke, which is just a flavor/branding play.

I wonder if there's a way for an LLM to stand out and attract specific Coke-brand loyalties via virtual personality, and/or a clear difference in what level of problem it can solve? I'm a little loyal to ChatGPT, in part because I started paying for it early, and also early I realize I prefer LLMs to be in their little sandboxes vs deeply coupled and nested in my editor. (In one case, trying to override its code suggestions for a simple import in VS Code, overwhelming where the old auto-complete was trying to do the job, left a very bad taste in my mouth.))

I guess with LLMs too... it's always tough to be sure there's no unseemly corporate agenda for any given one. Especially since most often the processing is remote anyway, you can never have that sense of "I know this AI is just working for me."
Trying to be gentle with myself because I'm muddling through a cold, but - hallmark of the less productive day: the phone has a full charge (barely left the charger), the laptop is nearly dead (goofing off online - reclining rather than at the desk.)