Kirkuleez! Kirkuleez!

Over the years I've accumulated a few nicknames based on "Kirk".

"Kirkles" was the original and one of the best.

"Captain" jokes based on Star Trek have some play, though not as much as you might think.

"Kirkjerk" remains my main online handle (including gmail, which is deeply unfortunate) There's also "Kirkamundo" and "TheGreatKirkini" which I used in the AOL-IM days.

But it wasn't til yesterday that the teenage sons of Lynette pointed out "Kirkules" (rhyming with "Hercules") was lying right there all this time!
It's one of the greatest thing except for one Achilles Heel (so to speak) - the spelling. "Kirkules" looks like it might be spoken "Kirkles". How to get it more phonetic? Kirk-u-lese? Kirkuleez?