banter with amber

Although I'm in the early stages of a new and rewarding relationship, for some reason yesterday in a private chat I went on a binge of digging up old exchanges of me and Amber, here are a few that really stick out for me...
What's funnier than a miffed boyfriend? A boyfriend that says that he's 'miffed'.

"[apple crunch]"
"Isn't it hard to eat lying down?"
"Nah Romans did it."
"That's not a good reason. And why did you have that answer ready so quickly?"
Me and Amber

You got keys and money? Good, 'cause I got nothin'. Except you. Which is good, 'cause you got the keys and money.
Amber, before we headed out for dinner
(Such a strongly lowkey romantic sentiment!)
"I don't like your lesbian music."
"Ani Difranco isn't a lesbian."
"You don't have to be a lesbian to make lesbian music."
"Am I right? Am I right? Don't tweet that."
Amber and Me

That's the weirdest proclivity that you have. That I know about.
Amber on how I like to peer into her mouth when it's open for a big yawn

"Wow, 50 people are missing in an Italian cruise accident."
"Yeah, sounds horrendous, like a real life Titanic."
"...Titanic was real life."
Amber and Me, this morning over pancakes and the Sunday New York Times

Amber, firing up laptop: "Let's see if Facebook is more interesting in 2012!"

"Man, if I were president I would totally push to make Kindereggs legal in this country."
"That's... only one reason you're not president."
Me and Amber

Don't not eat crumbs off your shirt on my account, buddy.
Amber setting up the most romantic Valentine's Day ever...

[about fake online dating scammers]
"'Cause of all your cyberstalking... you KNEW I really was that good"
"Oh honey- scammers don't pretend to be 30-something programmers working from home in an apartment in their aunt and uncle's house."
Me and Amber

"Want help with that?"
"Nah, I'm like 85% done."
"That's when it's best to offer- you taught me that."
"Hey, not on purpose!"
Amber and Me

*achoo* I'm allergic to season finales.
Amber just now (during the last episode of Lost)

[Cleaning out apartment stuff]
"Yeah, I think this heavy duty candle was part of a pack of 'Y2K surviving' stuff Mo's dad gave us..."
"Well, it worked.."
Me and Amber

[Reading] "How much sex you do you think is had in the Olympic Village? My guess: A lot."
"...I think I hear that every Olympics."
"Hm, yeah. And maybe it's more, you know, after the events, they don't want to sex away their game."
"Well I don't think you can sex away, like, 'Curling'"
Me and Amber

Ooh they're BRAND-NAME Advil... wow....

"It only looks big 'cause it's way up there..."
"That's what SHE said!"
"...that wasn't a very good one."
"...that-- is also what she said."
Amber + Me looking at "kitty condos"

You're so humble.... I mean, for someone so full of himself, you are humble.