Right There, Right Then

Been a little behind in reading these days. A friend recommended "The Great Delusion" by John Mearsheimer. The basic idea is you got a balance a kind of liberalism (terms get fuzzy; he's talking like Clinton/Bush/Cheney "share our good values to the world" 'liberalism', something certain liberals would certainly condemn as a new flavor of colonialism) with nationalism and realism.

It mentioned Francis Fukuyama's famous article, "The End of History?" which I think a lot of us Gen Xers got introduced to via Jesus Jones' song "Right Here, Right Now"

Trump and Musk are a revolution, alright, and no one will treat the USA as a reliable partner again. "And although one should hesitate before saying anything as pointed as describing president Trump and Vice-President as Russian assets, their conduct is indistinguishable from them being so."
"They'll never cut Social Security" is the new "they'll never overturn Roe v Wade."