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Re: morning (from k to L., 22 Aug 1995)

> >'cause of some traces of jetlag, plus I was over at Rosetta's last night
> >and didn't get back til 12:30, which probably wasn't too clever.
> So what have you come to with Rosetta?

I don't know.  We kiss.  She's given suggestions that there might be a
little more than kissing, were we not in her apartment with her mom down
the hall.  I'm not sure what to make of it, or if this is actually good
for me or not.  But remember when you asked if it was ok for you to ask
if it was okay for dreamy eyed young Russian chick to follow her feelings
before knowing she's ready to settle with someone who doesn't give her
those same feelings?  It's kind of like that, but without the safe
someone to settle with.

> >Ville lummiarre, Ville d'amour....
> There is a story which sais that God wanted to create paradise on Earth.
> So he created Paris. But then he decided to balance it out with other not so
> great places and created Parisiens...We'll see.

And Julius Caesar called it "Mud City of Parias"

There's also a cute story where God creates Scotland: he makes the people
clever and inventive, and the land beautiful: majestic mountains, flowing
streams full of leaping salmon, etc etc.  Finally, an Angel says "dont'ya
think yer being a wee bit generous wi' the Scotts?" and God says "But
wait to you see who their neighbors are!"  (This traditionally alot of
aminosity between the imperial English and the proud but less strong
militarily Scottish)


-O\O  Kirk Is              Come visit the Blender of Love:
( = )
"Love and scandal are the best sweeteners of tea." --/usr/bin/fortune

This is a note to the Russian Chick. Of all my ex-romances, I think I've done the best job of staying friends with her. Though Veronika is a close second.

The "dreamy young Russian Chick" line is an interesting insight into what she and I had.

Early reference to the loveblender in my .signature file! I had forgotten that the wasn't its first home.

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