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KHftCEA 1997-06.1 June
KHftCEA 1997-06.1 June
idea for a game- the anti-tomogotchi-10 options to fold spindle and multilate the helpless chicken
community theatre?
"I don't drink water.  Fish fuck in it."
          --W.C. Fields
baby what I couldn't do
with plenty of money and you
I'm surprised at the number of tighty whitey wearers in the gym locker room... a generational thing maybe?  Or maybe boxers aren't as popular as I would have guessed...
"visualize a person cut in half.  Any person, no one in particular.  Got the image?  Now is the person chopped at the waist or lengthwise?  I think most people picture the former, but I think of the latter...  (After all, otherwise it's not quite half..). But seriously, what does that dichotomy imply?
waist: gerry bob david john paul llara bjorn
iengthwise: me rebekah lena
full court press. what an odd metaphor
I am a follower of the 'retard socratic method': ask a lot of leading questions, but have NO IDEA what the answer actually is.
Feeling Stressed Out?

Sometimes it helps to think of happy scenes, maybe a pastoral field, a field with a babbling brook.  You're there on a lovely summer's day...

...holding someone's head under the water.  Now you're letting them up for a second, then blam!  Back into the freezing water!  Over and over again!!

There!  Feel better?
My mormel is abnormal
my mormal is abnormaal
           -Lena Mindlin
mormel=brat critter, scamp
mormal=only lena knows
"maybe He doesn't WANT to cook a herring"
Jenny: Let me tell you something. Men and women want very different things out of sex.  They've never forgiven each other.
Irmy: Where would you say love came in?
Dorry: Oh, now there's only one kind of love that lasts.  That's unrequited love.  It stays with you forever.
          -Woody Allen, Shadows and Fog
Suddenly this afternoon I'm afraid.
"the habit of desire"- a good title?
mia farrow in 'husband's and wivest' reminds me of someone-- maybe R's mom?
23 million "missing you" cards sold anually, 32 million "get well"
          -VH-1's pop-up video
life goes on
like melting ice
you can't escape
no plot device
will free you from
this slope of fate
embrace risks
don't hesitate
"The claim that 'They laughed at Columbus' is tempered by the fact that they also laughed at Bozo the Clown."
          --NCAHF newsletter
and that the big C could have sworn he was in India...
Superhero stands arms akimbo.  Below him the city is a neon sprawl.  He aches.  Too many arch-villains battled, too many last minute rescues.  Thanks to certain fictional characters the world expects superhero to be invulnerable.  But he's not.  Superpowers are wear and tear on a body- the knees and back especially.  And such bad karma- encountering all that evil and having all that power.  You don't think evildoers try to make sweet sounding deals?  As if superpowers and good intentions automatically came bundled with super morals.  But now the city sleeps safely, and superhero calls it a day.
Longing can be such a handicap when trying to get stuff done.
Maybe the buddhist have the right idea.
feels like the first night of summer.  I really wish there were fireflies around.  Nights like this make me think of camp.  Life and romance was came so easily then.  I'm realizing that I'm really missing the large social circles that camp, marching band, and the Honors track provided. Asking someone out didn't have to be a big risk then- you could make enqueries through mutual friends and stay in a very non-threatening zone.  And the groups are big enough to prevent inbreeding but with enough mutual interests to give easy fallback conversations
i really liked those toy programming languages.  Something about their minimalist uselessness...
Is it true women fall faster but men fall harder?
Not all conversations worth having are going to come easily. That I know.

Not all difficult conversations are worth having.  This I need to learn.
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