KHftCEA 1997-07.3 July |
KHftCEA 1997-07.3 July
Embarking I saw a woman standing aft, her back to me, looking very much like a doric coloumn would if it were leaning against a rail --Steve Martin, "How I joined Mensa" --- resolving to be more mature --- twinkle twinkle rattle squeak how i wonder what you seek 97-7-26 --- There are women who say: "For you I am ruining myself!" Others say: "You will despise me." These are only different ways of expressing the fatality of love. But she, she did not speak one word. -Barbey d'Aurevilly --- any written based on spoken speech is doomed to instability.. Chinese documents can be read millenia later. English is lucky to last centuries. 97-7-28 --- i fear going to a foriegn country 'cause i'm going to fall for EVERYBODY who has an accent... 97-7-29 --- "After all, those who can't repeat the past are condemned to remember it" --Mark O'Donnell, Getting Over Homer --- I think of a story Sean brought home from CYO camp, about an Indian brave so in love with a maiden from the tribe across the lake he tries to swim over to her and drowns. The punchline is, *And from that day to this, it has been known as Lake Stupid.* --Mark O'Donnell, Getting Over Homer --- |