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KHftCEA 1999-09.3 September
KHftCEA 1999-09.3 September

"May the wind always be at your back but not coming out of you yourself personally"
--Prairie Home Commonplace Book "Irish Envy"
Tide with Bleach is advertising itself as "the only detergent that kills 99.9% of bacteria"- because people are too fucking science-illiterate to see that as "Tide with Bleach- adding evolutionary pressure to make Bacteria become scarier and more resistant to medical treatment."

In a related development, I read about a new laser based water purifier that doesn't kill viruses and the like, but rather scrambles its DNA so it can't reproduce- except for the possible bad mutation possibility, it seems like a briliant idea.  Supposedly it's extra good because people who drink it still build up immunity to the bacteria in question.
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