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KHftCEA Appendix C R+K Archive pt 2
KHftCEA Appendix C R+K Archive pt 2
I had forgotten to take the hammer I brought to work out of the carry-on bag I brought.  They told me I had to check-in the bag, that I couldn't carry it on with the hammer there.  The bag had my books though, so I decided to just get rid of the hammer.

That hammer was one that I had borrowed freshman year and that both borrowee and borrower had forgotten about, until finally it slipped into irrelevance.  It slipped as easily out of my life as it had slipped in.  It made me think that not too many things seem to do that.  Especially you.  You more than anything else in the world right now.
"this is life.  sometimes it's beautiful and sometimes it's tough and most often it's a mixture of the two.  sometimes the people we love go through times that put some accidental distance between them and us and there's nothing we can do to help but ride it out and wait for the times to pass, offering what help we can and taking trips to the ocean with them, and eating flies."
-car's beanbag frog, 96-6-23
Banged my hand, a little while later I noticed a small twinge on the last knuckle of my right ring finger, the finger I broke right before junior year. A long time ago; a little before we re-established contact for the first time.

Life throws us, marks us, and there's not much we can do to prevent that.

Is that beauty or tragedy?  Or both?  And why are the two so closely related?
"How do you make love stay?  Take love out onto a distant hilltop on a cloudless light.  When love falls asleep, replace love's glasses with glow in the dark stars spelling "This Is It".  As Love starts to stir, swap the original glasses back.  Love will stay."
I now have hands and body that are lightly scented with Lilac and Rebekah.  I think I will sleep happy.
> My yin to your yang,
>       Kirk

what a line!  may i have permission to use it?  ;)  (on you?)
It's not so easy, you know,
being a luxury item
when you once had hopes
of becoming a staple.
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