KHftCEA Appendix K Dreams |
KHftCEA Appendix K Dreams
There were these short, oval shaped aliens (kind of like amoebas, but with a more regular surface, like super squat hotdogs) that were passing *through* us, and we were anxious that them passing through was very bad for us. 00-3-28 --- Aunt Susan was hoping for a relationship with Donna Lane's ex, and is driving this one ("Crazy Taxi" related?) cab for years, maybe millenia (something about an energy based era of evolution?) to get his attention, or something. Then Isaac Asimov talks about the difficulty of book restoration, tied in with mortality, and says "Death is inevitable. I think life enjoys it." 00-4-17 --- Some kind of stageshow, and as I'm watching on the steps leading up to the stairs some guy seems like he's trying to seduce me, I think he's trying to mock me so I reverse head butt him. Later there's something where I have to give up my fake romance with Dylan because my one with Mo is real Later I'm looking at some history book, but the endpages have photos of EHS marching band (doing the drumbreak dances) and one from Senior Show, 3 or 4 people incuding me playing those white sousaphones. 00-4-27 --- there was a big auditoriom, half submerged with some catwalks and platforms above the water part. The dry part had a working scale model star wars lego starfightcr factory that shutdown at midnight. At one point I was swimming/ exploring the water part with "uncle" hemingway (though he had a "faulkner" tatoo around his bellybutton- and though he was swimming naked his genitals were edited out- a reference to the narrator's 'wound' in The Sun Also Rises.) I could see perfectly underwater. Later I was being harrascd by Chris Weinkopf and some others on the platforms- he was carrying a super soaker with a chamber the size of a hot water tank- he was squirting me (it was like a shower) but I was sarcastically shrugging it off, since I had been swimming anyway. (though I had to assure myself it was just water.) 00-6-2 --- I'm in my car, in front of my house. I think I'm sharing the house with Rob Baum and maybe Robert DeNiro-- we're trying to get Samual Jackson (in his Pulp Fiction look). I watch Jackson fiddle with something under the hood of my car, then he runs away. Then DeNiro tries to fix it, but we have to go after Jackson, so he starts pushing the car-- he tries to push it and me right into a wall at the end of the street! It was all an insurance scam with Jackson... 00-6-4 --- I was at a mall and they had this odd two part art piece... between two giant escalators was some kind of video screen project of a pin's eye view of a bowling lane.... it would project a ball coming at the audience. Then, at the bottom, it became a holoraphic projection of a giant ball, with a giant crashing noise that scared the bejeebers out of everybody watching. 00-6-23 --- Watching big lightning strikes from a porch, then I see a huge hit these giant gas containers in the distance, and the fire shockwave comes my way-- I tell myself I might be ok, because it's not nuclear. 00-6-28 --- walking down street with my mom, trying to drift without touching the ground. A car stops suddenly and so does the guy on a bicycle, but a pickup truck hits the bike. The truck spins off guiltily. I run after it yelling 'get that truck's lisence plate!' Then it stops, but I'm less relieved when I see the driver coming at me with a 5 foot long logger's chainsaw. 00-9-23 --- My 27th birthday party, at some ground round/TGIF restaurant. One guy got thm to give him a battered and broken black cabinet they had and I told him: "When you reach the ripe old age of 27 like I have, and you have the choice between investing time and investing money, you realize you should never go for the time. You can always make more money..." I remember ordering a whisky sour but with the whisky in seperate shot glasses... Mo was there as well. 01-1-12 --- |