Mo's left-handed. It's not so much that she's always moving the (wireless) mouse to the other side of the computer, it's that she then sees the mousepad as a little table, the most uncluttered flat surface of a messy desk. So she puts bills there. Or vitamins she means to take. Or a coffee cup.
Quote of a Previous Moment
"Just because there's a cup on it doesn't make it a coaster."
Palm and Java Game
Another beautifully simple kinetic game that comes in PalmPilot and Java flavors is Noiz. The high graphics java version is a bit much, but it's a really cool idea, you feel like a ninjaworm running through showers of fireworks... it's really quite beautiful at times. A little repetitive, maybe. (For another great simple Palm game, check out what I had to say about SFCave-- unfortunately it runs a little slow on my new Palm IIIc)
The surprisingly generous Scientific American website has a brief overview of the state of Modern Cosmology. Amazing to try to think on the scale of the history of the Universe.
Ramble of the Other Moment