Creepy Thought of the Moment
I was watching the kind of cool Second War for Heaven flick
The Prophecy (Eric Stoltz as the angel Simon, and Christopher Walken as Gabriel) and this one guy who
hanged himself with the radio going (Gabriel turns him into a zombie of convenience for a bit) made me think I'd like to be buried with some
kind of radio playing. With some sort of perpetual powersource, maybe
a little solar panel up on the tombstone. Is that too creepy for words?
I've always liked to go to sleep with a radio going, (back in my "waiting
for nuclear war" days it reassured me that life was still going on) and it's probably a kind of
extension of that. Some little bit of life, even though I'm dead. Maybe changing the station every day or so, since I know radio stations change their format anyway... (hate to have an eternity listening to country and western, that would just be too sad.)
Star Wasn't
Memepool recently had some neat
links about Star Wars toys, including ones that never were.
Gus Lopez's
prototype page had some of the coolest stuff. This yoda
trading card (left) was nixed (not surprisingly, the page points out... Lucas has been pretty tight lipped about Yoda's culture, and this card makes them pretty much just mystic buddhists with big ears).
Also cool was Kenner's idea for a new, post-ROTJ badguy storyline
Atha Prime setting up for a new round of the Clone Wars) and
this unproduced
that clipped on to the front of the Millennium Falcon (Minirigs were a neat concept: smaller, more affordable toys that were vehicles that didn't appear
onscreen, but look like they could have.)

I've always been interested in the "expanded universe" of Star Wars,
the universe beyond what you can see in the movies: the Role-Playing Game,
the Comic Books, some of the novels. Today's sniffing around found me this well-illustrated
guide to new fighter ships, like this lovely "X-Ceptor" to the right, representing an "after-market"
merging of an X-wing and a TIE interceptor. I love the little astromech
(R2D2) sticking out of the front. (Click the image for the page with a larger
version of the picture.)
And of course, previously linked is the
Star Wars Technical Commentaries,
close to the ultimate in geekily explaining every nugget of the extended