Online Toy of the Moment
This is one of the
coolest online clocks I've seen, though it's a bit too busy too use regularly.
humanclock is pretty cool as well.)
(via Bill the Splut)
Cartoon of the Moment

Sitting in the backlog since August...I've been a fan of
Too Much Coffee Man for a
long time. The site doesn't have my single favorite cartoon, which goes into the ritual and worship of the coffee pot, but the archive is pretty generous.
He's at turns
heroic and
playful. (But tying
into the time piece theme is
this cartoon, which has the strip's more typical sense of existential wackiness.)
I've e-mailed back and forth with the artist Shannon Wheeler, back when the site was in a rougher state to talk about some broken links, nice guy. Go out and buy one of his books.