
Ranjit also sent me news of an update to the moonmilk wallpaper gallery. The one of his dog, "Tikko in August", is pretty amazing.
Funny of the Moment
Doctor: I'm afraid I have some bad news for you. Your condition is definitely fatal.
Patient: Oh, no! Well, how long do I have left?
Doctor: 10
Patient: Ten what? Months? Weeks? Ten what?
Doctor: 9
Ad Quote of the Moment
Many of you feel bad for this [discarded] lamp. That is because you're crazy.Though anyone who enjoyed Tom Robbins' Still Life With Woodpecker might disagree with the sentiment! Or maybe people practicing Shinto? NY Times Sunday Magazine recently had an article on Ikea in their "Design" issue, talking about the idea of disposable, DIY furniture. I wonder why there are no Ikea stores around here?