Image of the Moment

--Graveyard at Wansford Church, England, June 2002, taken with IR film. The photographer, J.S. Drewnicki, AIM'd me about the mortality guide. I'm considering adding this image to it... very evocative of other visions of deathscapes I've seen.
Breaking News of the Moment
Word is (though the story isn't officially out yet) the threat level is being moved to a delightful soothing Orange. Just like the delicious sweet clementines my employer has recently provided for its loyal workforce. Yum, yum! (For a hollow laugh, check out Joseph Calzaretta's threat level reference I kisrael'd previously.)
Here are two bets I'd like to see: will the threat level ever be reduced to "Green" in my lifetime? (Duhrr, no.) And, as a betting pool question:
What's the next attack on US soil going to be:
- Dep't of Homeland Security will work things out, no major attacks.
- Traditional explosive in a public place; NYC = Tel Aviv
- Calvalcade of Snipers
- Anthrax or similar by mail
- Chemical attacks in urban areas
- Biological attacks...sneezing and sniffling warriors for Allah infecting the land
- Dirty Bomb
- Full monty nuke
- Food contamination
- Aircraft or explosives against power plants or fuel supplies