What if we had Mind Nutrition labels for video games? Clever idea, like this one for Advance Wars 2, shown here. a
- Slashdot conversation about this webpiece on unplayed games...I know I've been playing very few games lately...who has the time?
- Big-Boys.com...kind of like Stile Project without all the porn ads and popup. A few game links, some celebrities "oops" and random softcore nekkid videos.
- Oliver Sacks and his iridium ingot....heavy stuff!
- Have you read the story of the Rocket Car?Great stuff.
- HelpYouDate.com...sigh. Luckily it doesn't seem to be coming to that for me...
- I decided to order this poster and this book. (I already posted links to other images similar to that poster...)
- Armchair Arcade has some cool articles...
- Interestingly, a lot of SUVs may be illegal on many California residential roads. Of course, this is the SUV ownwers trying to have their cake and eat it to, in terms of the retarded tax breaks they get for driving "trucks", but without the special licenses or road restrictions other trucks have to respect.
- Superman Comics has an amazing number of full, uncut...err, Superman Comics online.
- Lucasfilm's Habitat was a very cool shared world, a precursor to the MMORPGs of today...but worked on such primitive hardware! That's a pretty detailed article on how they made it all work...