I don't know how much the selection has suffered. I found 2 cool remaindered books and 2 interesting used titles, and they're not even fully unpacked yet. They have a lot of small rooms down there, but still, it is after all a basement.
Photos of a Past Moment
OK, I lied about not posting more Japan stuff. On flickr I posted a gallery with A Baker's Dozen of the visually strongest photos that I took, the ones that I also decided to printout. They arent' quite fullsize but 1024x768 is a lot better than what I posted here earlier. (I might add a few from another set of 10 I considered printing but decided against.)

Side note: I did this month's Blender of Love and used this kind of cheesy photo from my Japan trip. The thing is, the folks there like this shot a lot more than I do even, and are encouraging me to use it as a bit of a signature every month. Not sure what to do about that, it's cute and all but with more than a touch of schmaltz...
Quote of the Moment
By almost universal agreement, the most vague and ineffectual of all our leaders was Millard Fillmore, who succeeded to the office in 1850 upon the death of Zachary Taylor and spent the next three years demonstrating how the country would have been run if they had just propped Taylor up in a chair with cushions.