Open Photo Gallery

EBM and Mac, faithful canine, seeing us off.

It is getting to be foliage season. (Sigh, nature's beautiful coma.) I like the layer effect and motion in this photo.

One of the other rides they had there was the "Earthquake"... I loved the art on the side...

But you know, if you were really trying to survive during a major geological upheaval and resulting catastrophe, maybe it would be better NOT TO HAVE A LIT STICK OF DYNAMITE IN YOUR HAND. Just sayin'.

I guess a more recent variant on "Calvin peeing on a [Chevy|Ford] Symbol" is "Calvin kneeling at the Cross".

EBSO+EBB, nice mother/daughter photo.
So we saw us some agriculture and livestock... Topsfield is the oldest agricultural fair in the USA (since 1818!)

They had big pumpkins...

REALLY BIG pumpkins.

I tried to capture the stately dignity of a cow.


Of course one of the best parts of any fair are those giant turkey legs...

O jeez this is awkward.
Not only working today but there's the regular all-division townhall meeting at 8:30... Nokia Finnish overlords know not from Columbus!
<<we've got a long way to go / it's beyond Martin Luther, upgrade computer>>
Listening to MP3 playlist versions of R+B mixtapes I made for my car in 1996. The 90s were a good decade for mixtapes.
"Now lets take it on home! 'Cause ummm.... we gotta go home!" --Marge Simpson, "Springfield Soul Stew"