Quote of the Moment
My fellow Americans, the time for running aimlessly through streets while shrieking and waving our arms above our heads is now. I understand that many of you are worried about your economic future and our situation overseas, and you have every right to be. Yet there is only one thing we as a nation can do in times like these: give up all hope and devolve into a lawless, post-apocalyptic, every-man-for-himself society.
Politics of the Moment
![]() | --"Hope", parody of Obama's Hope poster from this webpage of same. |
Those neonazi scumtards wanted to kill 88="HH"="Heil Hitler"?? How inconvenient for them that the Nazis didn't say "Ave Adolf". Assholes.
Gary Kamiya:"[GWB] failed because he acted on the extreme right-wing ideas that Reagan only paid lip service to." http://tinyurl.com/5onas3
Didn't Jon Stewarts "America: The Book" jokingly have a grave reserved for the Dems by the Whigs, Bull Mooses party, etc? Cycles and cycles.
Software Cheapskate-ism is kind of killing software. The shareware model is much harder than it should be.
Of 20 cities only Boston and Cleveland had home prices rise; apparently people just want to live where I have over the last two decades.