the stupidest pile of nonsense you could throw together

Somewhere online I read people complaining that Obama fans expect that there is a silver bullet on its way, that there's an easy fix, and Obama is gonna pay the mortgage and fill our gas tanks. Are there many people who actually think that? Are there many people who actually think there are many people who think that?

Me, I'm just happy to have a president who doesn't seem like he'd lie to push a NeoCon-agenda war out.

Video of the Moment

--It's Get Your War On now in convenient video form... this works REALLY well with the rapid dialog. (via bill the splut)

Snark of the Moment
wow, those posts move sooooo fast.
no point in arguing
these people respect logic less than college students
it's almost like a twitter account for the stupidest pile of nonsense you could throw together.
shorter version: twitter.

There's something stuck in my mind about "the stupidest pile of nonsense you could throw together", like making physical piles of stupid was actually the goal.
katwinx I dig twitter as a way of recording fleeting amusements or faux-profundities, and for seeing 140-char smarts of others...
Those "are you smarter than X" ads had Bush's IQ at 124, Obama 126, now Bush is 130? (both with "X is DUMB" animations, but thems high IQs!)
I have a lot to learn.
Putting my sunglasses away in my bag for the commute home at 6 feels like a mean joke.