
Apparently my space had already been doubly assigned, me and Lot's Wife.
(This besides the skepticism felt for the new half-cubicles anyway...)
"Yoda doesn't sound like Miss Piggy" "He doesn't NOT sound like Miss Piggy" -me and FoSO on all of Frank Oz's voices sounding alike
JZ just shows me VMware Fusion's Unity mode, where a Windows window leaves the main emulation window and joins the other OSX ones- uncanny!
JZ suggested bowling... weird doing 10 pin after a decade of the regions candlepin- what other sport has balls with fingerholes??? SRSLY
Also JZ tends to get better through 3 games, I tend to get worse. Not sure what that implies.
Ah, unfathomable mystery of the greenline. Cold rainy morning? Lets just send 1 car instead of 2. You kind of hope there's reason, but what?
I should mention, the Bowladrome by Alewife is pretty great. Cheap drinks, automated scoring, Celtics on TV next to each scoring screen...
A bit annoying that the standard for non-laptop keyboard still has a numberpad on the side. Too few PC companies seem to like "compact".