play the guitar just like ringing your bell

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I was talking about "Learning Guitar to Get Laid" the other day... and Tuba is like Bass, only much more so.

You're so humble.... I mean, for someone so full of himself, you are humble.
Amber to me this morning

'The brain seems to be more stingy with mechanisms for pleasure than for desire,' Berridge has said. This makes evolutionary sense. Creatures that lack motivation, that find it easy to slip into oblivious rapture, are likely to lead short (if happy) lives.

The time you spend reading this tweet is gone, lost forever, carrying you closer to death. Am trying not to abuse privilege. - forgot how much I dig "Dice Wars". Like a dumbed-down "Risk".
Decades ago I noticed that any month that has a Friday the 13th starts with a Sunday... err, FWIW.