a banner year

Man, remember banner ads? These were 2-10 of banneradmuseum.com's 2000 best of. (#1 was an HP printer butterfly java applet that I can't find a working copy of.)

Whoever I got this link from on twitter pointed out the guy in the final one is kind of nightmarish...

http://www.electricsheepcomix.com/apocamon/ - fundraiser to kick off a reloaded version, 88% of the way there... http://tinyurl.com/yb7aa3t

Would you have liked any help?
Man to disgruntled looking woman finishing up folding laundry in basement, New Yorker cartoon (April 26 2010 issue)
Brilliantly concise!
Guys with wood chipper working in back lot all day, still not done. Plus it makes me think of Fargo...