Open Photo Gallery
Sometimes the coolest things about museums are the fellow patrons...
The space is huge with a neat courtyard next to it, and in between are these cool big tubes with escalators and hallways.
Notre Dame from the inside...
And from the outside...
Finally, after a nice meal at the just down the street from our apartment "Cafe Pure", it's time for bed...
RIP Jim Henson, September 24, 1936 - May 16, 1990
Why, IMO, OSX sucks: no Irfanview. Think about installing ImageMagick. Installer for that requires Xcode. WTF. I just don't jive with Macs.
half the shit in my Netflix queue could be listed as:(The other half of mine tends to be "might contain boobies")
Things A Better Version Of Me Would Actually Sit Through