not baad


--via horkulated. I really believe cyriak is the unheralded genius of the youtube age.
"I'm making their backsides wiggle and bringing us all together in funky communion."
As they stare at the singer who has abandoned the melody in favor of melismatically emoting, or the guitar player who has put his foot on the monitor and thrown his hair back to squintily wee a mishmash of pentatonic drivel, people don't understand that I'm making their backsides wiggle and bringing us all together in funky communion.

Hey Tim Wakefield got his 200th win, FINALLY, nice to see some good news from the Red Sox.
Phantom sensations reveal something fundamental about body awareness: it is not that phantom limbs are an illusion, rather it is the feeling of our actual limbs that is an illusion.
Dean Buonomano, "Brain Bugs" Cambridge shows how to manage powderkeg jails: simple humanity. Specifically, popsicles and fans.