
Today's links about Apple going crazy with the skeumorphism reminded me of this image, making the rounds... (here's another link I posted last year about how this is a path Apple has been pursuing for a while.
I'd like to hear the other side of why Apple is doing this. I imagine they have a reason beyond "we think it looks cool" -- some data suggestion people respond to the coziness of it or some such...
It took me three and a half decades to notice that the visible part of a daytime moon points toward the sun.
I enjoyed this rant about Apple's weird "Wild West" theme Skeumorphic UI.
http://www.noahread.net/blog/writing/ixda-bauhaus/ -- heh "IxDA Bauhaus" as another name for the anti-skeumorphic, KISS school of design (chanpioned by Micorosoft of all places...)
Wow. Southern Republicans are crazy in letting their ideology run the asylum. Screw facts, we have political belief!