July 30, 2013

Slate had an inane (and heteronormative) who should text first? fluff piece, but it used "heyyy" as a example of what "she" might write-- it made me realize it's a pretty good transcription of that "vocal fry" thing.

I have to admit, I can see the appeal of the relaxed intimacy of both vocal fry in general and "heyyy" specifically.
This piece on the current abundance of Eliipses is pretty good, though... covers both the pros and the cons.

It's something I've been noting in my own e-writing for years... sometimes I go through phases where I try to cut back... I think writing is stronger without them... still it's probably not as distracting to other people as I fear...
There was a big jailbreak in Pakistan too? Damn. Reminds me of games of capture-the-flag at summer camp.