
Everyone assumes they are the sperm that made it to the egg. Nobody assumes they were the egg all along.Huh. That kind of resonates for me - is that asymmetry true for a lot of people? Is it more true for dudes? Definitely feels like there might be a sexist undercoat there. Also a shade of the old Yin (feminine/passive) Yang (masculine/active), which can be hella problematic when used as a role model for modern society. I get the feeling people feel affiliation for the faster and seemingly more action-packed journey of the young sperm cell, vs the slower travel for the egg that has been there since the mother's time in the womb. A lot of metaphors spring to mind, but again I think trouble arises with the temptation of attributing truth and guidance because of the "it's just nature!" parallels.
If you don't find farts funny then you're a loser because you're choosing to have less joy in your life but the exact same amount of fartsI find you can replace "farts" with many things in your life and it still kind of works!