uu read, ii read, wewe all read

Hah! When I was briefly hanging out w/ UU on Sundays I was always surprised at how flat a reading people gave to these - I usually felt compelled to try and make it sound more like regular speech than monotone reading...

Was hanging out with Leonard "Robot Finds Kitten" Richardson, he's decluttering and I grabbed his series of "Gamespite Quarterly" Reminded me "New Games Journalism" and specifically "The Gamers Quarter" and how some of the more interesting and creative people I know are from there, namely Anna Anthropy, Jeremy Penner, James Harvey. I'm not saying it was Paris in the 20s but I can't think of many vibrantly creative online communities I've been heavily involved with since.
Got my mom a new laptop for Christmas - the 4 year old HP Stream it's replacing had a pretty good run, but 20Gb (for storage, not just memory) meant she was having a bad time with it. But she's letting me grab that old machine, which for a four year old thing ain't so bad - I figure it might help me get out of the Apple bubble and start testing with IE a bit anyway.

It's funny, just a bit of using it and already long-buried habits of reaching for the ctrl key instead of cmd while back on my Mac are rearing their ugly head.

I honestly haven't used Windows much since 2013. Do geeks looking to ssh still just fire up PuTTY or what?