June 26, 2022


Christians: Palms 139:13-18 talks about being knit together - a gradual process. And Numbers 5:11-31 provides instructions for abortion, if the parents weren't right.

I know the movement has leaned pretty heavily into "abortion is murder" but it's just not. Roe v Wade had a compromise built in with trimesters. In earlier centuries, "quickening", human-detectable motion in the womb was the standard. "Life begins at conception" is just a misthink of the both theology and science.

In this country, we respect individual choices and bodily autonomy - like thousands of lives would be saved if we made organ donation mandatory, but we don't, because the bodily autonomy of people is critical.

By hunting down Supreme Court nominees willing to perjure themselves in front of the Senate and say Roe v Wade was settled law when they were just chomping at the bit to throw it away (and also Republicans in the senate breaking the court, ironically for 9 months, and refusing to review perfectly qualified SCOTUS nominees) you got your group will to destroy half a century of legal tradition and look for precedents from times when blacks could be owned as property and women couldn't vote. But yours is a victory for politics, not for justice or mercy.