November 12, 2023

It sounds like you're referring to a concept in Norse or Viking mythology related to the belief in multiple parts of the self. In Norse culture, it was believed that a person was composed of several parts that made up their whole being. This concept is somewhat complex and can vary in its interpretation, but generally, it includes these elements:

Líkamr (Lík): This is the physical body, akin to the concept of the body in modern understanding.

Andi: This is the breath or the life force, similar to the concept of the spirit or soul in other cultures.

Hugr: Often translated as the mind or thought, this aspect is related to one's personality, emotions, and intellect.

Hamingja: This is a somewhat unique concept, representing a form of luck or fortune that can follow a person and even be inherited or transferred.

These elements together constituted a person's entire being in Norse belief. Unlike the dualistic body-soul concept common in many other cultures, Norse mythology presented a more nuanced and multi-faceted view of the self.

It's important to note that our understanding of these concepts is largely based on historical texts and interpretations, and there may be variations or nuances that are lost to time. The interpretation of these elements can also vary among scholars.
I'm always interested in psychological "parts" theories and models...