
Leading an army, with the throne of Israel on the line, David returned in force, and creamed Absalom's army. While fleeing the battle, Absalom got his long, beautiful hair caught on a tree branch which pulled him off his horse and left him dangling helplessly from a tree. When his pursuers found him hanging there like a piƱata, they couldn't help but whack at him with their swords and spears. Unfortunately, no candy came pouring out of Absalom, just blood and organs.
(Guess I missed this last year) Arguing second amendment crap with gun lovers, I sometimes talk about how America worships the Great God Gun, and we just accept that we have to sacrifice kids and others to Him from time to time.
MAGA folks replacing American Flag lapel pins with AR-15 pins seems to reinforce this interpretation....

The Prince and the Coachline Painter oh man maybe i could hire this dude to put a coachline on my '04 Scion xA? (He'd have to work around the dented wheel well fender, so it should be a good test for his expertise.)
Sophie proposed a small hike today - I either didn't know or forgot about Cascade Falls in the fells - rocks with water are so much more interesting than just rocks with trees.