| features | klik & play

Klik & Play was a mid-90s game creation tool for Windows.

Glorious Trainwrecks is a site dedicated to a renaissance of the type of games made in this system:
an aesthetic of gonzo wackiness, using terrible clipart animations and fostering oddball gameplay and styles.

My first encounter with the site was The Emergency 100-In-1 Klik And Play Pirate Kart Meltdown,
where a team of 17 intrepid coders made over 100 distinct games -- over the course of a single weekend.

(I made 5 Java entries for the 100-in-1 meltdown, but also the first two games here in KNP.)

The site hosts a Klik of the Month club where folks meet on irc and see what they can do in two hours of Klik & Play.

Here are my creations, .zip archives for Windows, all made in 2 hours or less:
(Most of the games control with arrow keys and shift.)


homeworld defense

bug <3 flower

roshambug PLUS
roshambugREMIX: whistle command

Earth Defense Force 1817