
site search
Some simple online utilities
Some memes I find amusing and potentially useful in the future

personal history

An attempt to put all my decades into a single scrollable page, with a lot of memory-provoking photos. (Hit me up if you want to make something similar for yourself!)
one second everyday
I've started documenting my life, trying to capture one second each day that is something visually interesting or reflects what I was doing. So I get 30-second descriptions of my month which I now publish as 6-minute descriptions of my year. Full playlist on Youtube.
An old attempt at describing my life via lists
remember amber
one of the 24 HCD that didn't make it to alienbill.com
My old online photo albums
wall o' peeps
Art of friends I like to have on my walls.
old college-era writing of mine
'92 blues and basslines
A copy of a cassette tape I made with my buddy Mike between high school and college, long bad blues and capturing a lot of our bandroom bassline riffs.
podcast with jeremy penner
A friend of mine interviewed me about JoustPong and my personal history as a hyper-indie developer for his Fringe Game History Podcast. (local mirror)
podcast with shaun mcgil
In the middle of election day 2020 Shaun of McGST (and its terrific WhatsApp group) discussed my tuba playing, life under Trump, and the mutual views of Brits and Americans about each other.
Selections from the K & R Carousel
Old love letters, newly reformatted. (old html version)
Works 5th-9th Grade

toys and games

Many toys, games, demos and art pieces made in Java and Javascript
gamebutton arcade
...one button gaming. No really: one button, including the screen. (BoingBoing:"This is just about the coolest goddamned webthing, ever.")p
small gif cinema
Itsy-bitsy silent movies
global game jam games
Most years I work on an ad hoc team and make a game at the Global Game Jam. Here's the results, in descending order of how cool I think the result that year was:
klik & play
Silly games made in Klik & Play.
alienbill soundboard
html5 soundboard with some clips I gathered in the 90s and beyond.
timish / timehoops / repeat until death
Different visualizations of time...

oddball features

dead man talking
In late 2013, Tom Parmenter died. But... he got better. This is a transcription of a dialog with him over dinner in mid-2016.
the blues scale and 12 bar blues
A music tutorial about some useful concepts
prose and poetry collected at the blender of love
Some of the better pages from my long running website, now a ghost-town, but it once got me mentioned in The New Yorker...
left-right 20 questions
A little quiz taken from the book "Predisposed" that can locate you on the left-right political spectrum
pixeltime tribute
A loving tribute to a long lost site
royalty nickname generator
A goofy tool to analyze your name and come up with your royal nickname
virtual bible dip
An online biblical divination tool
amazon adder
You can get a CSV of all your physical Amazon orders over the years, this page does grand totals and break down over time by product category...
where the heart was
A tribute to some amazing art pieces
wtc 9/11/1999
exactly two years before the fact
collected quotes
bitesize wisdom (out of date since its been harvested...)
gowen's tip calculator
A javascript tip calculator to figure out "interesting values"
brass transposition chart
A mobile-friendly reference for C, Bb, and Eb horns, with fingering/slide notes for trumpet + tuba vs trombone...
jam w/ marcus
A friend in highschool had a studio guy overlay a hook I made on a Casio SK-8 keyboard with a bassline and a beat
Day in the Life of the Palm Pilot
A while back my friend Tim Munch put together a page abut his use of the Palm Pilot PDA... pretty impressive stuff for a device without a wifi connection even!
A little web goof.

site navigation

some articles and tools about the hobby and craft
kirk.is tag system
experimenting with tagging all the stuff on this site...
site archive
different ways of looking at what's here
This day in kirkstory: kisrael.com and Palm journal content for this date going back to 1997
sidebar of the people
In 2002 Dylan had a sidebar on my blog, eventually Sarah got added in and then I made it a general microblog, 'til 2008.
Attractive images suitable for use as desktop backgrounds
let's make a deal
A Monty Hall Problem simulator
delayed comments (broken - see bak)
Show comments that were posted after the associated page had lapsed from the front page
an old selection of the coolest stuff on my site
The media I've consumed - books, movies, video games - over the past decade and more.
Some of the ephemera of kirk's life
profile shots
Just sticking a few images I might use for avatars etc.