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KHftCEA 1999-08.4 August
KHftCEA 1999-08.4 August

Watched "Blair Witch Project"- not as scary as it was made out to be, but some scenes linger: the stones clacking, the "confession" at the end..

There was a preview for "Better Than Chocolate"- a young women in love flick that seems to be in the spirit of "Go Fish" and "The Incredibly True Story". I mentioned how hot the women seemed- Mo pointed out one of them resembled Rebekah (the one I found cuter, though Mo preferred the more butch one.) Now here's the question: do I like that type because of R., or did I respond to her because of that type? Admittedly, it's something about the hair. I've always been fond of really short hair, at some point I started liking straight hair in ponytails (and baseball caps,) but I'm not sure about "big jew hair" ( I remember how little I liked R's exeriment with short hair-)
Random Memory: summer sleepovers at Todd Beecher's (brother Eric): sleeping (utterly innocently- a few years later and the typical fear of gayness would've put one of us on the floor) in the same bed (only single fan for cooling), game of trying to ID video game screens (like Pole Position) sketched on each other's back by finger, making tales of the "wussy kitties", playing C=64 games such as Elite, trying to make an RPG for Tron, my 3rd grade believing of the tale of his E.T. origins ('til he got to the part about dragon dice as food.), later rivalry with Dylan.
"Life sucks and then you keep living."
--BEK (New Yorker, Aug. 23 & 30, 1999)
"Every man is as God made him, ay, and often worse."
--Miguel de Cervantes
The first entry on the new PalmV- still sitting on its little charger. Very elegant looking unit. Still wondering if I was too hasty, but hey, time will tell.
I've left out the cliché of how interesting it is to have the same data on two different physical units- alas, I'm still making plenty of graffiti-o's. (I'm vaguely worried about this new machine somehow "breaking" the KHftCEA- I doubt, though I should get a keyboard for this...)
I've been writing "random memories" lately- kind of a new feature. It brings to mind the "why am I writing this" question. On the one hand, it's writing for me. On the other, I do try to make it sensible and margially entertaining for other people to read. I guess there's always the faint hope that I'll end up doing something sufficiently interesting with the rest of my life that someone besides me will want to read it as a whole someday.

I like how the new Palm looks lost in my hand.
"Alejandro, forgive me, but this world in here seems crazy to me. Why would sensible people, who can afford to buy fish, want this torture instrument in their houses? It is far beyond my understanding."
--Porfirio the Fisherman on a catalog offering a rowing machine (quoted by Alastair Reid
On the road to Lake George- remembering last year's Trivial Pursuit - "Mitch Rider and the Detroit Wheels" forever!

(the theory that humans were a semi-aquatic species- hairless and finding water soothing)
Random 2nd/3rd Grade Memory: "Stir up the Cowbells, Poop is good food."
Random Family Memory: "If you lock it when you leave it, you'll find it where you left it"
Morning at Lake George. (kind of a cliché I've developed there, starting an entry with the place.) Not sure where everyone is. Sitting on the pier. Very placid until some old guy drops a car battery on a neighboring dock, looks like he's going to jumpstart an outboard motor or something.
Do my lips look like Gina Davis'?
I've decided to generally move "random memories" out of the KHftCEA-there are potentially far too many of them. Maybe I should think of the new memo as an appendix of sorts, along with "Wistful Associations" and the entire "Literature Category" (as if this magum opus will ever see print)
"Fiat iustitia, ruat coelum"- "Justice be done, though it bring down the cosmos."
(from article on Lincoln's 2nd Inaugural Address in The Atlantic, denouncing extremism in 'just vengance')

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