KHftCEA 1999-08.5 August |
KHftCEA 1999-08.5 August
"Well-behaved women rarely make history." --bumper sticker: it's an interesting point (by historian Laurel Thatcher Ulrich) --- "The real problem with having mind-controlled zombies as my servants is that it's tough to get up a really sincere-sounding round of cheers when I've come up with a plan I think is worth cheering." --Maximus, X-Factor Annual 2. --- Woman in a white flowery sundress and black cowboy boots- now there's something you don't see every day on the Boston T. 99-8-25 --- Lena may be right. Maybe I no longer know how not to be neurotic. "This is the way the world ends", etc. 99-8-25 --- "Life is right in any case." --film "Kama Sutra" --- I've sort of volunteered to help with the (simple) web presence of Grolier Poetry Bookshop. Either I'm being gullible now (because of her nice words about Peter Richards) or this place is more important than I realised before. 99-8-27 --- "You may look upon the future and behold: It will be boring." --Robert Gilmore --- Dragged Mo to "American Pie", she ended up finding it funnier than I did- I really got into the nostalgia factor, but some of the characterization was good as well. It strikes me that my relationship with Marnie was the- I dunno, purest?- example of sweet awkwardness, discovery, college long distance issues, and sexy summer nights. 99-8-29 --- "Kids are not nice, innocent, flower-loving little rainbow children. Kids are all little bastards; they don't have any kind of social tact or etiquette." -- "South Park" co-creator Matt Stone --- I can not get my mind around the fact that it has been nearly FOUR years (minus 3 months or so) since Veronika met me in NYC! How much both of us might have changed- how much have I changed? Yet that time in NYC may always seem modern to me, perhaps because of its relation to our time in Euclid (and even that was during this same decade- ahh, the 90s...) 99-8-30 --- Time flies like a rocket ship. Like one of those old rocket ships, that's only good for one trip, and stages fall off to plunge into the ocean, pieces of shattered burnt-out wreckage as the main section barely makes it up to beyond the atmosphere, not like one of these new-fangled reusable space shuttles with all their fancy-shmancy 1970s technologies that get to fly and land and fly again. 99-8-30 (letter to R.) --- (Thinking about V. also makes me wonder about if my 'physical feminine ideal' came about before or after Marnie, before or after Veronika.) 99-8-31 --- |