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KHftCEA 1999-10.4 October
KHftCEA 1999-10.4 October

Felt kind of anxious this weekend, a feeling of something left undone. Not sure why- I had a pretty productive weekend. Maybe I'm getting concerned about my ability to slack?  Also, I'm going through a phase where I'm less gung-ho about the KHftCEA. It used to seem cool, and act as an important archive, now it's mostly just the important archive.
I enjoy reading the headlines visible in the newspaper dispensers in the morning, though I rarely buy being able to get my news online.
It's a shallow life that doesn't give a person a few scars.
--Mr. Blue, 99-10-26
"Man, as we know him, is a poor creature; but he is halfway between an ape and a god and he is travelling in the right direction."
--Dean William R. Inge
"And some rin up hill and down dale, knapping the chucky stanes to pieces wi' hammers, like sae mony road-makers run daft -- they say it is to see how the warld was made!"
--Sir Walter Scott, St. Ronan's Well (1832)
Keith Haring- artist with monocolor heavily lined outline characters
You may be damned if you do.

You may be damned if you don't.

You are unquestionably damned if you try to do both.
--Greg Owen, 99-10-26
This corner of Harvard Square has insider jokes: the 'happy face' yellow traffic lights, the office window of "Dewey, Cheetham, and Howe"
Rebekah once showed me a way of tying Converse Chucks so they wouldn't come undone. I wish I remembered the trick but I'm not sure I'd use it if I did.
Yesterday, the sight of a chapter verb list from a Spanish textbook gave me an almost palpable feeling of joy that I no longer have to study foriegn language.
"Seaside was covered with very nice sands. Sitting on the sands, rolled a cigarette there. I smoked by the sea. It was great, my dear, even though the weather was a little windy. I don't know how long I stayed there. To think about my past pleased me. I couldn't find anything wrong in my past life. Maybe there was something wrong, but I couldn't remember." -letter from Cengiz

"Although he lacked the strain of irresponsibility which I think essential (in moderation) to the rounded human being, we got on well together and were soon exchanging information without reserve on either side."-Philby book

You'll see, she prophesies dourly, life is much harder than you young Americans ever imagined it would be, your generation has had it easy, and there won't be anyone around to fight your battles. *Ach*, this life will break your heart.
--Lynne Tillman, "Motion Sickness"
Ate outside the mall- seemed like the pigeons and other birds were really hungry-
[on the idea "You can't unscramble an egg"] Now consider: how expensive would it be to make a device that would take scrambled eggs as an input and deliver unscrambled eggs as an output? There is one ready solution: put a live hen in the box!
--Dennet, "Darwin's Dangerous Idea"
Orgel's Second Rule: Evolution is cleverer than you are.
--Leslie Orgel
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