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KHftCEA 2000-05.1 May
KHftCEA 2000-05.1 May

"Time which you enjoyed wasting was not wasted"
--G.K. Chesterton
"So, what are you going to be doing this Millennium?"
"Not much - I'm going to be dead for most of it..."
--Man on Street Interview, CNN 2000 coverage in London (hmvh@acenet.co.za)
"Sometimes I am, sometimes I think."
--Paul Valéry
Dennet saying we are preprogrammed to build our minds the way a beaver is preprogrammed to build its dam, or the spider its web.
>4. Which person influences you the most?

My cat.  He's my hero: he's fat, neurotic, and does nothing all day but sleep, look out the window, and make messes for other people to clean up.  Then he gets to complain about it.  Oh, and no matter how much hair he sheds, he never goes bald.

As far as I can tell, the only real advantage in life I have over him is toilet paper.
--Grant Griffin (alt.humor.best-of-usenet)
It's amazing how deep the local news weather report is, and how shallow most of the rest of the reporting is...
If the resolution of our vision were as poor as the resolution of our olfaction, when a bird flew overhead the sky would go *all birdish* for us for a while.
--Daniel Dennet, "Conciousness Explained"
Idea for a piece of interactive art: a video screen/camera set up as a mirror, but that slowly and subtly starts distoring the reflection-- twisting it, or time delaying, etc- idea brought on my philisophical view of conception of self
As for your other question--can this possibly work out?--that depends on what you mean by "work out." If you mean falling in love, getting married, and growing old together, then, no, it's not going to work out. If you mean having some fun and enjoying the time you have together (you enjoy his maturity and experience, he enjoys your youth and orifices), then, yes, it's going to work out fine.
--Dan Savage, in response to "I'm boinking my college TA"
Sounds as if Mike has even bigger existential issues than I do- or at least it seems that his main coping mechanism is avoiding thinking about it. (Hm- he was a late Y2K pessimist as well.) I gain comfort from my skeptic friends who can deal with it and buddies like Mike get me down.
That Heinlein "live every golden moment like you had eternity" makes more sense to me now. And life is long, and our poor memories can aid that feeling- less than a year ago I chatted about Y2K with
Mike at the 4th of July on the Charles but it seems so very distant. Maybe if I pay attention I can avoid the "seems like only yesterday" syndrome.

Just checked dejanews for my own posts in talk.philosopy.humanism- I was having some of the samc attacks a year ago (though they were "EMP pulse stoneage" inspired, this journal indicates.)
"I am but a way station in the life of plastic swizzle sticks"
--How to draw a radish and other fun things to do at work
http://www.commondreams.org/headlines/051400-02.htm : an article on the US Air Force's plan to detonate a nuke on the moon as a show of force when they were running behind in the space race.  Jesus.  
Love makes us poets and the approach of death should make us philosophers.
--George Santayana
Each day is a little life; every waking and rising a little birth; every fresh morning a little youth; every going to rest and sleep a little dearth.
--Arthur Schopenhauer
But what is all this fear of and opposition to oblivion? What is the matter with the soft darkness, the dreamless sleep?
--James Thurber
Haven't had much to say in the KHftCEA lately. And I've started a number of books (Hemingway, philosophy, Hunter S. Thompson, a few others) but nothing has really grabbed me. I've also been working on my mortality pages as well as trying to get that pocketC contest going.

Not sure if  I'm as relaxed about mortality as I think am. Ultimately, it should be a "who cares" kind of thing: I really like that Thurber quote. Unfortuntely, I understand suicide a little better
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