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KHftCEA 2000-08.3 August
KHftCEA 2000-08.3 August

The greatest disloyalty one can offer to great pioneers is to refuse to move an inch from where they stood.
--Slashdot Quote
Socrates said that "The trees in the countryside can teach me nothing"-- so at least my feelings for nature have philisophical-hisorical precedent!
Emailed with Rebekah yesterday. She gave the go ahead for publishing the K+R archive, though I might have to change her name in it (since some of the emails don't just refer to her as an initial.) She mentioned being worried she was reobsessing with Wes- reassuring  to understand she has her own shadow casting relationships, disappointing to know that it's not me.
Got my car in for its 40K checkup. Wonder how long it will last?
My latest mortality thoughts: I've reached a kind of cheerful nihilism. Nothing really matters. The dreamless sleep loses its bite. Even if cryo was a better bet, it would only sort of matter. If I die today, I would have had a complete life in which I've loved, been loved, observed, and created.

And another observation about time: there's the phenomenon where no matter how far in the future something seems, you reach it eventually. And thanks to our haphazard memory, it seems a shorter wait than it was. So life is long, longer than we're aware of.
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