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KHftCEA 2000-08.2 August
KHftCEA 2000-08.2 August

Standing in the Ocean (Grove) at night I realize how little I know about the lives and habits of fish. Do they sleep? Get around much in the dark?

Be nice to be back here with Mo in a few weeks.
About the Concorde disaster: that Tuesday the French killed more Germans than in 2 World Wars combined.
Unlike baboons, our butts aren't flaming red. As a consequence, humans have a harder time hooking up.
 --Dan Savage
"Give me a plant with a demonstrable sense of irony, then I'll be all over botany."
"I'll call you..."
"For what? We're so over... we need a new word for over."
--Sex in the City (HBO)
Crazy Morty!

"Visit our 12 Convenient Bowels!"

Crazy Morty says "Hush, Feet!"

"Our prices are so incestuous, we must be WAWAWA"

Take it from Morty's Doctor: "It's true. Morty Zimmerman is clinically insane, yet somehow operates a chain of 'stores,' such as they are. If you were able to find something of use to you, and were actually able to successfully conduct a transaction, you would probably pay a price wholly unrelated to the value of the item you purchased."
--Ruben Bolling, "Tom the Dancing Bug"
Mo mentioned that her folks may have been hinting at a generous wedding gift, like the start of a down payment on a house. She's gotten more really big tickets than her brother (like her car vs. his new PC) which reflect where they are in their lives.  There are a lot of reasons for this, and why they didn't occur as much before Mo and I started going out (her relationship with her mom freezing) but I don't think it's coincidence that they, as parents, "reward" settling down behavior, which after all is more likely to continue their genetic line.  They might not be aware of this, and it's something that's as built into our societal system as them themselves, but it's interesting.
The other day I was trying to think if my past romances have had perfect or defining moments.  Most seem to have one particulr scene I'll always remember:

Veronika, standing outside the Gubitosi's, kissing, me leaning against the wall, my legs straight but to either side of her, bringing our heights closer... (the lovely physical romance)

Marnie and I sitting outside on the night of a meteor shower, til her dad found us at 3am (the romance at night)

Jenny Wolchko, calling her up and saying she should look at the moon (romantic, from a distance)

Rebekah, her leaning back on my director's chair, breasts thrust forward (as much physical as romantic)

Jen Tsang, listening to "The Birdcage" soundtrack, eating pasta on my new front porch (nice, romantic, not so physically heated)

Don't know of a single moment for Mo yet. That's a good thing, the best may still be yet to come...
Vonnegut quoting Edmund Bergler's observation that most writers wrote to please one person that they knew well, even if they weren't aware of it.
Where it is a duty to worship the sun it is pretty sure to be a crime to examine the laws of heat.
--Christopher Morley
"Give me an underground laboratory, half a dozen atom smashers and a beautiful girl in a diaphanous veil waiting to be turned into a chimpanzee, and I care not who writes the nation's laws"
Life is like a tin of sardines. We're, all of us, looking for the key.
--Beyond the Fringe
"[the idea of closed footwear (shoes) is] a fashion hangover from Europe. It's ridiculous, like ties are ridiculous."
--Mark Thatcher, inventor of Tevas
He's the dumbest human being I ever saw. Every time he opens his mouth he subtracts from the sum total of human knowledge.
--Hal S. Blake, The Dark Horse (1932)
As soon as we started programming, we found to our surprise that it wasn't as easy to get programs right as we had thought. Debugging had to be discovered. I can remember the exact instant when I realized that a large part of my life from then on was going to be spent in finding mistakes in my own programs.
--Maurice Wilkes, 1949
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